

Enterprise experts within Automation systems, Renewable energy sources, Battery Energy Storage and Power trading, crafting innovative digital solutions for clients worldwide

Combination of technology and services!

Experience the Power system On-Grid and Off-Grid services, developed by our enterprise experts with many years of experience within Automation systems, Renewable energy sources, Battery Energy Storage and Power trading through our intelligent Cloud based configurable solution, including latest Energy Industry International standards and  approaches to adopt digital technologies as part of their overall business strategy. Designed as ready-to-use expandable solution to be applied on greenfield applications or retrofitted to existing facilities.

A full range of innovative Energy management solutions

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Why choose us

Our creativity in engineering leads to optimal customer experience

High Quality Standards

Industry market leading technologies guarantee sustainable and quality products

Leading Experts

More than two decades experience in Power Generation Systems, Automation Drives and Industry


Participation in Research and Development projects supported by European Structural and Investment Funds

Cooperation with University

Long term cooperation with scientific institutions contributes to common progressive technical and business improvement


Battery Energy Storage Systems

From kWh to MWh,

from 0.5C to 5C (cont.) applications,

from 3000  to 8000 Cycles,

Rens BMS manages Global Leader Battery Racks/Cells. Combined with SuperCapacitors our Battery Energy Storage forms Hybrid Energy Storage system and thus efficiently covers even the most complex Grid objectives.

Customized Power Inverters

Rens High Efficiency Power Inverters covering entire range of Battery Energy Storage ON/OFF Grid applications.  Supporting different electrochemical battery types regardless of the manufacturer,  Rens Power Inverters forms higly adjustable porfolio on the Energy market.

Supervisory BES Control System

Main Features:

Grid Management Services

Provided by Control Algorithm for Anchillary Services (FCR, aFRR/Spinning Reserve, mFRR, Island Mode, Voltage and Reactive Power support) inside Rens Supervisory BES Control System.


Renewable Energy Sources Integration

Technical Consulting & Project Management

Industrial Automation

Services based on certified Team of experts within Automation Systems. Having Global Experience together with young entusiams contributes to rapid product quality increase.

Power Transformers & MV Switchgears

Supplying and Commissioning Global Leader Power Transformers, MV Switchgears and its Energy Metering and Protection system analyisis.

Visualization, Remote Control and Industrial Network Security

Scada and HMI application deployment following latest Industry 4.0 Innovations. Developing 24/7 connected, “Real Time” Cloud based &  Network secured applications.

Using latest Virtual & Factory  reality technology in combination with powerfull software and hardware simulators, we provide to our Customers, together with leading edge technology reduced costs project investments.


BESS Technical documentation


Key Features

RENS BESS - General Information

Installed Power


Energy Efficient



On Grid Functions

Time Of Use

Time Of Use

Charging and discharging according to user-defined time input

Voltage Regulation

Voltage Regulation

Controlling voltage to achieve optimal operation and lower the losses of electric power system.

Load Shiffting

Load Shiffting

Shifting energy consumption from one point of time to another to lower energy costs

Renewable Integration

Renewable Integration

Providing smooth output of renewable power generation sources



Providing instant response in case of supply and demand imbalance or event of grid interruption

Peak Shaving

Peak Shaving

Cutting peak loads to lower energy costs and improve energy efficiency
generation scheduling

Generation Scheduling

Generation Scheduling

Planning production according to predicted demand



Adjusting average Peak Loads

Off Grid Functions

Frequency Regulation

Frequency Regulation

Maintaining frequency to increase stability and reliability of electric power system
black start

Black Start

Black Start

Restoring power in the event of a total or partial shutdown


Uninterruptible Power Source

Providing backup power in case of grid outage

Customized Application

User Defined Functions

User Defined Functions

Creating customized operation mode by combining up to six functions over time periods defined by user

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